Sample from SMEMO SOUNDS - JACK CACTUS by smemo.soundsverified
Sample from The J Dilla Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 3 by Reddit
Sample from SMEMO SOUNDS - 2 AM by smemo.soundsverified
Sample from LOVELL by DNBSAMPLESverified
Sample from SMEMO SOUNDS - ESKETIT by smemo.soundsverified
Sample from Charli XCX Kit by Reddit
Sample from Beat Butcha - Filth Vol. 4 by Reddit
Sample from The Kanye West Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Pierre Bourne Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 1 by Reddit
Sample from The Lunch77 Whitearmor Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from August Loops by lukeonthisverified
Sample from TRAUMATICA SOUND KIT (wowthissouzi + @prodbyefe) by prodbyefeverified
Text to Speech Tool
Voice by tobiverified