Sample from TRAUMATICA SOUND KIT (wowthissouzi + @prodbyefe)
Sample from TRAUMATICA SOUND KIT (wowthissouzi + @prodbyefe) by prodbyefeverified
Sample from Sun Kissed by prodbyefeverified
Sample from Frozen (NY Pain Loops) by Savantverified
Sample from Dimensional Hyperpop Sound Kit By @prodbyefe x @xxscyx by Prod Scyverified
Sample from Evergreen loop kit + midi kit by @prodbyefe + @rodmadeit by prodbyefeverified
Sample from Evolution of the mind Loop Kit by sergiuuuuuverified
Sample from Chaos (Loop Kit) by LoopLegendverified
Sample from Kagayaku by prodbyefeverified
Sample from Arrival by iintheoceanverified
Sample from 2022 Loops by Asendoverified
Sample from Late Nights Vol 1. (R&B Loops) by Savantverified
Sample from weeklies - july loops vol.2 by lukeonthisverified
Sample from Eternity Vol. 3 Sample Pack by YPverified