Browse similar loop samples

Open Hat (Skippy)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

SL CH K04 Timbale1
Sample from Cumbia Hip Hop by Soundtrack Loopsverified

Open Hat (All The Way C)ZG
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

Tamb (Cymbal Steppa)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

SL CH K12 Castanets1
Sample from Cumbia Hip Hop by Soundtrack Loopsverified

Tamb (Prog Stepz) (JW2)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

Tamb (Metallic Rolla)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

SL Kit 05 095 G# SFX
Sample from Reggaeton Loops by Soundtrack Loopsverified

Hat 2 (Tuff)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

Cl. Hat (All The Way C)ZG
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

EO 01 OpenHats2
Sample from Epic Orchestra - Trap Beats by godlikeloopsverified

SL CH K12 Castanets2
Sample from Cumbia Hip Hop by Soundtrack Loopsverified

Hat 1 (Tuff)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

Snare (All The Way C)ZG
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

OB 03 Triangle
Sample from Orchestral Beats by godlikeloopsverified

Kick (Scotti)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

Hat (Stps Ez)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit

SL CH K14 Cascara1
Sample from Cumbia Hip Hop by Soundtrack Loopsverified

SL CH K09 Triangle
Sample from Cumbia Hip Hop by Soundtrack Loopsverified

Hat 2 (Cut Thru A)
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit