Sample from Linn
Sample from Pyrex (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Mexikodro Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from DJ Plugg & Bobby Kritical (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from CashmoneyAP (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Southside (Periscope & Instagram Live) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Section 8 and ChiChi (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Everyone in 808 Mafia (Shows the Screen) Kit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Will-A-Fool (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Crash Dummy Records Drumkit by Lunch77verified