Sample from The Lunch77 RZA Drumkit
Sample from The Lunch77 Dr. Dre Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Timbaland Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 RZA Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Oberheim by
Sample from vintage kicks (exclusive) by hbsamplesverified
Sample from The Weeknd - Thursday Drum Kit by xephyrisdeadverified
Sample from The Lunch77 TM88 Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Korg by
Sample from Roland by
Sample from Beat Butcha - Filth Vol. 4 by Reddit
Sample from The Lunch77 Plain Pat & Emile Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from 1400 Samples Drum Kit by Reddit
Sample from Alchemist Drum Kit by Reddit