Sample from The Lunch77 Southside Drumkit
Sample from Stash by Reddit
Sample from The Lunch77 Crash Dummy Records Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Polow Da Don Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Alchemist Drum Kit by Reddit
Sample from The Lunch77 Boominati Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Deko & OG Parker (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Roland by
Sample from Charlie Heat (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from ForeignTeck (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Vermona by
Sample from Nick Mira (Shows the Screen) Drumkit Re-Up to respect DMCA by Lunch77verified
Sample from TRAVIS SCOTT JACKBOYS DRUM KIT by xephyrisdeadverified
Sample from Glockley (Shows The Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Dr. Dre Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 F1lthy Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Metro Boomin Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Wheezy (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from hellasmokee - syberia drum kit by Reddit
Sample from The Lunch77 Wheezy Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Noah 40 Shebib Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Korg by
Sample from The Lunch77 Hitmaka Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Mexikodro Drumkit by Lunch77verified