Sample from Charlie Heat (Shows the Screen) Drumkit
Sample from Charlie Heat (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Lex Luger (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Crash Dummy Records Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Stash by Reddit
Sample from Gods - (OneShotKit) by Reddit
Sample from Roland by
Sample from Jetsonmade (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 3 by Reddit
Sample from Sonny Digital (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from AETHER MUSIC - PRIME OF GRIME VOL.1 by Aether Music Samplesverified
Sample from UZI (ONESHOT KIT) by ORDUZverified
Sample from MAAHIR's Bedroom by sathyamusix1verified
Sample from The PartyNextDoor Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Weeknd Kiss Land Inspired Drum Kit by xephyrisdeadverified
Sample from Pyrex (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Take A Daytrip & 16yrold (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Cardo Got Wingz (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from The Lunch77 Boominati Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Southside (Periscope & Instagram Live) Drumkit by Lunch77verified
Sample from Zero-G Jungle Warfare - VOL 2 by Reddit
Sample from Downloads by greatmuta1212
Sample from
Sample from Alchemist Drum Kit by Reddit