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Snare 29
Sample from Old Movies 1 - Vintage Collection (Drum Kit) by Reddit

Snare 09 (Grace Jones - Do Or Die)
Sample from The Crate vol.4 by Reddit

Snare 23 (Lick It)
Sample from The Lunch77 Skrillex Drumkit by Lunch77verified

{Tripz} - Rim 12
Sample from TripiLz - Sheesh {Drum Kit} by Tripilzverified

Sample from The Lunch77 Crash Dummy Records Drumkit by Lunch77verified

Sample from LOGGED IN STASH KIT BY @DXCEMBER & @XXSCYX by Prod Scyverified

Sample from The Lunch77 Crash Dummy Records Drumkit by Lunch77verified

Gwop Snare
Sample from ForeignTeck (Shows the Screen) Drumkit by Lunch77verified